The concert is on January 19. I leave January 2.
Digital Audio, Technology, and the Internet.
Dan Fogelberg was one of my favorite folk-country singers. His "Leader of the band" was always in my playlist. How we wished he could have stayed with us "longer". He died of cancer. Rest in peace Dan.
From Wikipedia:
In May 2004, Dan Fogelberg was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer.
He underwent hormonal therapy and achieved a partial remission, which
did not eliminate his cancer, but reduced it and stopped its spread. On
August 13, 2005,
his 54th birthday, Fogelberg announced the success of his cancer
treatments and he thanked fans for their support, but said that he had
no immediate plans to return to making music, but was keeping his
options open, and enjoying spending time with his wife, musician Jean Fogelberg.
Fogelberg, who, since 1982, lived on Mountain Bird Ranch, 610 acres near Pagosa Springs, Colorado, put the lavishly appointed property up for sale at an asking price of US$15 million. [1]
He lost his battle against cancer on December 16, 2007 at his home in Maine with his wife, Jean, by his side.[2]
Magnitude | 6.0 |
Date-Time |
Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones |
Location | 16.037°N, 119.906°E |
Depth | 62.5 km (38.8 miles) set by location program |
Distances | 45 km (30 miles) W of Dagupan, Luzon, Philippines 85 km (55 miles) WSW of Baguio, Luzon, Philippines 120 km (75 miles) NW of Angeles, Luzon, Philippines 195 km (120 miles) NW of MANILA, Philippines |
Location Uncertainty | horizontal +/- 9.2 km (5.7 miles); depth fixed by location program |
Parameters | Nst= 47, Nph= 47, Dmin=917.9 km, Rmss=1.16 sec, Gp= 61°, M-type=moment magnitude (Mw), Version=7 |
Source |
Event ID | us2007kfal |
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Have you tried to pick up any cool licks and tips from your G3 tour mates?
I’m always asking questions of those guys. When I hear them do a cool lick during a show, I’ll immediately bug them afterward to find out what they did, or solicit their advice on how they’d approach something I’m currently working on. I come from the Steve Morse and Al Di Meola school of straight-up alternate picking, but, lately, I’ve been trying to incorporate more one-note-per-string arpeggio sweeps into my playing. However, it wasn’t sounding quite the way I wanted it to, and I noticed that when Paul played arpeggios, they sounded as smooth as silk. So I went to him to find out what he was doing that I wasn’t. He said he wasn’t voicing them one-note per string at all. Instead, he’d play one note on one string, then skip a string and play three notes. We were playing the same notes, but he showed me a completely new way to phrase them.
Tired. Drained. Confused. Trapped in self conflict.
Sometimes, the selfish bastard in me snarls and rips my insides like a beast ravaging for new prey.
Sometimes, I don't know myself.
Sometimes, I don't know what I want.
Sometimes, I know what I want but everything legal and everything I ever believed in will be thrown out the window leaving shattered glasses on the floor, wounds that leave scars, and take life that will never return.
Someday, I will regret I ever published this.
Do not comment.
Okay, I know, many of you want to string me up after merely reading the title of this post. Let me explain: I'm a jerk. I'm cynical and somewhat of a music snob. In no way have I or would I ever pretend to be able to write a worship song, or any song for that matter, but I have been subjected to numerous worship sets which made me feel like laughing or puking. (Neither option is preferable when singing to the Big Guy.) Additionally, I am the director of our church's Worship Planning Team, so every week I consciously choose to let these and other songs which annoy me to be played, for the good of everyone else. So I am capable of group thinking. I just reserve the right to my opinion. And so do you. (So please tell me your own worst worship song).
5. I Will Not Forget You
I love Waterdeep. I think they are original and fun and somehow still serious and they usually move me in worship like nothing else. Here's the thing--I can't stand when songwriters want to use a word or phrase, then realize that using said phrase would mess up the rhythm of the song, but instead of rethinking the phrase, they add a word. In this case, the word is 'huge'. (As in, "a huge bell I ring"). I usually remain silent on this line or risk bursting into an inappropriate display of worship laughter.
4. Trading My Sorrows
Please don't kill me. I know that a lot of people love this song, particularly the actions (oh my goodness, don't get me started on action songs). This might be a little picky, but what am I if not detail-oriented? The bridge of this song includes the line "Though the sorrow may last for the night" and the music hits on each word in 'last for the night' in such a way that makes me think of hip-shaking. As in: Though the sorrow may last (stick hip out to right) for (to left) the (to right) night (to left). Get it? Anecdote--I was in a worship setting with my friend Marty and we were singing this song. We get to this part of the song, and, I kid you not, Marty does the hip thing. Completely his idea. I almost crapped my pants.
3.Draw Me Close Not a big fan of the emotional 'Jesus is sitting next to me' type songs. "I'd lay it all down again/ To hear you say that I'm your friend." Not so bad, I guess. Just wait. "You are my desire/ No one else will do/ Cause nothing else could take your place/ To feel the warmth of your embrace." What on earth does that mean? Grammatically speaking, we have a monster on our hands. To what does 'to feel the warmth of your embrace' refer? Peter, please back me up on this one.
2. Come, Now is the Time to Worship
This song is one of a few in a category I like to call "Ha, ha. You have to sing me first." For a Worship Planning Team director, this is maddening. Not to mention the weird chorus that doesn't seem to fit and the way we must all say 'come' at the end of the verse in an unnatural sing-whisper.
1. Your Love is Extravagant
I'm pulling out of the 'most recent' file on this one. My friend Hannah introduced me to this song, and when she sings it, it's great. She has a beautiful voice, and I can pretty much ignore whatever she is saying when she's singing. But when forced to sing as a participant, I found this song problematic. (Again, grammatically). "Spread wide in the arms of Christ/ Is the love that covers sin." No one told me we were moving back to Olde English on this one, and I spent an entire morning trying to figure out what I had just sung. I asked like 10 people what it meant, and understood even less when I was done. (I felt like a major idiot because it seemed like everyone else understood what we were saying. Maybe they just didn't care). Later, Danny explained that we were saying "The love that covers sin is spread wide in the arms of Christ." English majors.
Anything with the word 'river' in the title
This includes "Jesus Flow Like a River," "Let the River Flow," and "Dance in the River." My reasoning: no one can legitimately explain what the 'river' signifies. Seriously. Once, my friend Peter (whose list would be MUCH longer than mine) asked people why they liked a song with 'river' in the title. I believe he said, "What exactly is the river?" The answer? "Oh, you know, its Jesus and he's flowing through us. It's like the Spirit or something." Whatever.
Songs with lyrics that don't match the melody
Example: I Could Sing of Your Love Forever Here, we are singing a fun, happy verse, and then we move into the bridge with a depressing sound where we say, "Oh, I feel like dancing….." (Actually, this music makes me feel like crying.) "Like we're dancing now" (By the way, I have never seen anyone dance at this point. False advertising.)
**I Googled this topic and came up with nothing. So, from now on, when
anyone wants to find the world's worst worship songs, they will see
this list. So, if you want to be a world-famous jerk (and, really, who
doesn't?), post your comments.
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Yoyoy Villame (born Roman Villame in 1938-2007) is a Filipino comedian and singer who hails from Bohol in the Visayas. Villame sings novelty songs, such as his well-known "Mag-exercise Tayo", which hit the charts in 1977.
He is the father of Hannah Villame, who is also a singer.
He began making movies in the early 70's, and is noted for his role as a family driver who killed by Vilma Santos in the 1974 suspense thriller Biktima (1974). In 2004, Yoyoy played a Visayan troubadour in the critically acclaimed movie, Babae sa Breakwater (Women of the Breakwater).
He succumbed Friday to cardiac arrest at the Las Piñas Medical Center. He was admitted at 9 a.m. but doctors failed to revive him. He complained of difficulty breathing and chest pains. He expired at about 12 noon.
The Bohol-raised Yoyoy experimented and recorded many songs in the Bisaya dialect. He even came up with the classic Abuchikik, a unique song driven by a catchy melody and seemingly unintelligible words. Included in his repertoire are hit songs Tarsan at Barok, Si Filemon, Nasaan Ka Darling (Where Are You, Darling?) and Da Da Da.
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Apologies for not posting this. I've had this setup for almost a month now I think. I use a USB keyboard. No. Not the qwerty one.
I meant this. Due to bandwidth issues, I would like to post a link to the whole flickr set instead of posting them here. The set also include the first assembly pictures I posted. The picture of the left is the Behringer UMX-61. Obviously, it's a 61-key MIDI controller. 8 knobs. 8 buttons. 1 volumer slider. 1 pitch bender whell. 1 modulation wheel. 2 octave button switches.
What's really nice about the keyboard is that it is small and light enough to carry round. I don't have a case yet but I am hoping to have one soon. Yup, it's a USB keyboard.
This is the keyboard I've used for the song "Rock of my Salvation" that my sister sang. We will be re-recording the song soon due to some noise and lyrics issue. Whoops.
The Commodore 64 was my first exposure to the digital world. It is a world of its own when I think about it now. It is what introduced me and my dear brother to computers. It was plugged into a 21" colored TV. Eventually, we also owned a Commodoe 128 which also had a "Commodore 64 mode". Me and my brother would do sprite animations just for the sake of it without the ability of saving them since the disk drive (which is a huge 5.25" diskette drive bay that looks like a large HDD enclosure now) is broken.
Anyway, I just saw in tipidpc that this beast is back...only this time, it's a branded gaming pc. It is now running under the name CommodoreGaming. They have 4 setups to fufill your gaming hunger: Commodore G, Commodore GS, Commodore GX, and the ultimate Commodore XX. Curious as I was, typing in "Commodore" in google brings about another site named CommodoreWorld. They have 2 products available right now, Commodore Gravel and the C200. There isn't much product specs on the site, but a PDF specification sheet is available. Check it out here. I don't think their products are available at the present right now.
There is no price yet on the website but the specifications are indeed intended for those who have an apetite for serious gaming. I have hopes that the price is reasonable enough in order for good ol' Commodore to be a name once again in the computer market.
Cakewalk Sonar 6.0 Producer Edition
I have been using Cakewalk since it's pre-sonar days. I think I've started with Cakewalk 3 or 4 back then. I had a Roland MP401 Midi ISA card connected to my Celeron 300A back then. The card is with me though. Never thought it would be around here in the Philippines until I saw it in good old Perfect Pitch. That was around 1998 though.
Anyway, I was playing around with Sonar 6.0 and did a recording with my sister singing. I had 3 tracks loaded up, Native Instruments' Akoustik Piano (yup, that's a "K") taking up 2 of them (1 MIDI and 1 Audio for VST), and my sister's vocal track. This wasn't at all planned since I was playing alone when my sister came in singing "A strange way to save the world" with me. Everything else was history.
Song title : Rock of my Salvation
This also is my small attempt in trying to make both tracks sound balanced. It's recorded live, multi-tracked. Will be posting some pictures soon. Here's the song.
Key Features: